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类型:日韩动漫 日本动漫  日本  1992 

主演:松本保典 堀秀行 井上喜久子 折笠爱 屋良有作 

导演:もりたけし 案纳正美 横山広行 



Kyō Kara Ore Wa!! (今日から俺は!!?, trans. Today, It's My Turn!!) is a Ja anese shōnen manga by Hiroyuki Nishimori. The series was initially  ublished in Shōnen Sunday Su er running monthly from 1988 volume 9 through 1990 volume 38. The series was then romoted to the weekly magazine Shōnen Sunday from 1990 volume 40 through 1997 volume 47. The first manga tankōbon was ublished on December 14, 1989[1] and last thirty-eighth on March 18, 1998.


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