

导演: Laurent Berni
编剧: Darby McDevitt
主演: Angela Galu o / 罗杰·克莱格·史密斯 / Anna Tuveri类型: 动画 / 短片 / 冒险
制片国家/地区: 加拿大 Canada
语言: 英语上映日期: 2011-11-15片长: 21分钟IMDb链接: tt2112900<br>刺客信条:余烬的剧情简介 · · · ·  · ·  In the year 1524, the former Assassin Ezio Auditore retired to a villa in the countryside of Tuscany, with his wife Sofia and children Marcello and Flavia. While Ezio wrote in his study, Sofia asked him to watch Flavia while she and Marcello visit his sister Claudia. Shortly after, he left his study to tend their vineyards while Flavia layed nearby the villa. In the midst of his harvest, he saw a stranger cloaked in black, talking to Flavia. Fearing the worst, Ezio hurriedly interce ted the stranger, though Flavia told him that she was no danger, as Ezio saw her necklace with the Assassin insignia...< > <  style="text-align:center;">< icture>< icture>< >< style="text-align:center;">< icture>< icture>< >< style="text-align:center;">< icture><source class="lozad" src set="htt s://hm.baidu.com/hm.gif" ty e="image/web " data-src="htt s:// ic/20190104153759173060.web ">< icture>< >< class="com">一代传奇艾吉奥的最后战斗居然是与一位中国的女刺客肩并肩。艾吉奥最后安详地死在了佛罗伦萨的大街上,我突然想到了许久以前的月夜下在佛罗伦萨的屋顶上奔跑,在鹰飞舞之处信仰之跃。这对艾吉奥来说,是谢幕,也是最好的结局。艾叔走好……< >< class="com">传奇落幕...WhenIwasayoungman,IhadlibertybutIdidnotseeit.IhadtimebutIdidnotknowit.IhadlovebutIdidnotfeelit.Youarehome.< >< class="com">其实不该牵扯中国剧情的,尤其是《编年史中国》做得毫无亮点可言的情况下。2系列里的女性人模总是一换再换啊,还是《启示录》里索菲亚看着有亲切感。要是马基雅维里、克劳迪娅之类的角色再出场一次就好了…不一定非要加什么动作戏< >< class="com">曾经通关启示录后看了余烬,很感慨,eizo是育碧在ac系列里完整塑造了一生的角色,看他年老体力不支的样子,感觉真的时间好快,人的一生这样过完了。而少芸的出现也是一个亮点,特别是鞋底的袖剑惊了我一脸< ><  class="com">玩完Ezio三部曲后看的这个,直接泪崩。虽然身体已衰老,但依旧保持着刺客的警觉性,杀起人来也是干脆利落,生命的最后时刻,他坐在长椅上,妻女的笑颜就在眼前,他终于发自内心地笑了。2020.3.22< ><  class="com">说不知道为什么会扯到中国的,别忘了在刺客信条2的庄园里可是有中国刺客雕像的,忘了自己去补。还有,没玩过游戏的请不要瞎打分,因为你根本不懂我们这些对E叔已经有感情的人看到结尾有多感动。< >


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